My husband's cousin is a Zumba instructor and offered a free class. Who can pass up free? I decided to try it out. To my surprise I really enjoyed it. In fact, it was really fun. I hate to admit when I am wrong, and my husband will attest to that, but I was wrong about Zumba.
We had a good group going on, and an awesome instructor with lots of fun energy. In order to enjoy Zumba I think you need to have the right instructor. It doesn't hurt to have lots of jingly stuff on you as well. And I should add it shouldn't be done to a tape. That's just my opinion though.
You know, I always thought Zumba couldn't really be much of a workout, but oh how wrong I was. You need to have a lot of energy to dance for so long. And it works your muscles! Some of the moves we did had our knees going up to our chins, or had us holding our arms straight out for a length of time. I was sore for days after! I could not believe how much Zumba worked me. I would definitely try it again.