Friday, July 26, 2013

BodyRock Challenge Day 5

Wahoo, I made it to day 5 of my 30 day BodyRock challenge! This is the last BodyRock workout for this week.  I am feeling really good today. I don't feel very sore today so that is good.  The workout this morning was an interval training. I used this interval timer. Here's the workout breakdown:

BodyRock Challenge Day 5: Gaga for Tight Booty

Set your interval timer to 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 18 rounds. There are 6 exercises and you go through them 3 times.  This workout was only 12 minutes long but it was crazy!

1. Side Burpee
2. Mountain Climber
3. Ninja Jump Tuck -I modified this one
4. Mountain Climber
5. Step Up -using a chair
6. Mountain Climber

During the 30 seconds you are supposed to do as many reps of each exercise as you can. This work out kicked my butt! Those 30 second increments really wore me out. Let me just say that 10 seconds just isn't enough time to rest.  I kept track of my numbers as I went along.  Here is how I did:

In the past, with each round my numbers decreased. I was very pleased today, especially with mountain climbers.  I really feel like I pushed myself today. I am gonna be really fit by the end of this!

I am very excited for a weekend "bodyrock" free, only because they are so hard and my body could use a break. I plan on going for a run in the morning.

I spent all day cooking and making freezer meals. I will get that post up in the next few days.

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru