Monday, July 29, 2013

BodyRock Challenge Day 6

Did y'all have a good weekend? I did. It was nice to have a break from the intense workouts.  On Saturday morning I decided to go running. I have not really run since my half marathon.  It felt really good to run again. I ran down the road to an elementary track and ran a mile around it.  It was a great day to run.  The clouds were out and it was a little windy.  I don't know how many nice days like this I will have again this summer but if another one comes, I will definitely run again. If the weather gets hot than I will wait for fall before running too much.

I did not lose any weight last week, even though I stayed away from the sweets.  Hmm... I need to take a look at what I have been eating and do better this week.  Maybe I need to lower my carb and fat intake.  I see a lot of salads ahead for me this week.

Before I go into Day 6 of my BodyRock challenge, I want to talk about one reason that I am not the biggest fan of BodyRock anymore.  I like the workouts of BodyRock, but I don't like the image they put out.  That is the problem I have with fitness world in general. All these women wear just bras and tiny shorts to show off their body, to make you wish you looked like them.  They are all tan and wearing makeup, and it is so unrealistic the image that they are putting out.  I mean, who puts makeup on to workout? I roll out of bed to workout.  I would sweat all that makeup right off.

Take this picture for instance:

 I'm sorry, but what exercise is she about to do? This is what it looks like when a normal person does this pose:

Not very appealing, is it? It took me several minutes to even figure out how she got into that pose.  I took this picture after I worked out. I showered and did my hair and put makeup on (I never even wear makeup anymore).  I guess if you aren't a size 0 you look ridiculous doing this pose.  But this is reality folks.  The average person is not tiny hot and perfect.  I just wanted to share the ridiculousness of it all.

Ok, now down to business. 

BodyRock Challenge Day 6: Boom Boom Workout
This workout had 3 parts.

Part 1: Triple Sumo Squat. Set your interval timer for 6 rounds with 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. During the 30 seconds you are going for maximum reps.

My total was 18.5 reps.  My legs were really sore by the end of the 4 minutes.

Part 2: Time challenge.  Start the stopwatch. See how long it takes you to do the following: 6 rounds of Plank Side Jump (10 reps) and One Leg Toe Touch (10 reps).  I completed it in 4:52.

Part 3: Another interval training.  6 rounds, 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off. Side Burpees with Push Up and Knee Tuck. I modified here on the burpees and also I did a jump up instead of a knee tuck.
My total was 18 reps.

This workout totaled 12 minutes and 52 seconds.  It worked me. I just need to make sure the rest of my day I am staying active and drinking lots of water, and eating lots of greens.

Have you worked out today?

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru


  1. You rock Kate!!! Love Mer

    1. THanks sister! Have you been doing the workouts?

  2. Kate, I comPLETEly agree with your views on the objectification that is going on with BodyRock (and truly just all over the place) Why does she have to have her boobs out, makeup on, and all sexified? Isn't she more than an object? She can show her strength and fitness abilities without looking that way. It's sad, but it's happening all over the place. How many photos do we see on Pinterest of women's bodies that don't even show their heads?? Pictures like these are training our eyes to only look at bodies as objects.
    ANYWAY, there's my rant for the day. Good job on the workout.. I WISH I have worked out today but I'm still on exercise restriction. It's been almost a week since my last Zumba... boo!!!

    1. Rant away! I loved your blog post about objectification. It really helps me to know that like 90% of the pictures in the media are photoshopped.

      I wish I had your excuse not be exercising! I am starting to wish I hadn't taken on this challenge because some days it is so hard!
