Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Two Week Clean Eating Meal Plan, Week Two

It was a busy first week for me and I haven't had time to update you on how my meals went or to make a plan for this week. I pretty much stuck to the plan, maybe switching the days of some of the meals and I didn't end up making the cauliflower crust pizza. I made homemade whole wheat pizza dough instead. And I didn't try the lentil tacos. I want to, I am just scared because I don't remember ever liking lentils.

I did go off track at the end of the week a little, eating chocolate to satisfy my pms cravings. But other than that I am feeling good and have more energy and my body feels better in general.

Anyway, here is the meal plan for this week, a few days late.

Breakfast: eggs, tea
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: Brown rice veggie stir fry with eggs

Breakfast: banana oatmeal pancakes, tea
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: taco salad
Dessert: Raw Chocolate Pudding With Cashew Cream

Breakfast: juice, oatmeal
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: tilapia, rice, veggies

Breakfast: smoothie, tea
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: Lentil Tacos with Homemade Taco Seasoning

Breakfast: juice, omelet
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: veggie lovers homemade pizza

Breakfast: Kale Egg Bake
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner:  zucchini spaghetti with homemade tomato basil sauce

Breakfast: waffles, fruit, tea
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: veggie curry with brown rice

If I don't end up with leftovers I will eat a salad (lots of greens, tomatoes, cukes) with an egg and homemade vinegarette

Healthy Snacks
Veggies with hummus
Apples and natural peanut butter
Almonds and apples
Hard boiled eggs
Greek yogurt with berries
Banana and nut butter
Nuts and raisins
cottage cheese with fruit
celery and peanut butter
roasted chickpeas
Veggies and clean ranch dressing
Dates and nut butter
Popcorn (not in the microwavable bags with all that added butter)
Carrots and Avocado dip
Pineapple Spears

Sweet Potato fries

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Two Week Clean Eating Meal Plan, Week One

Thanks to the help of friends and the internet, I have come up with week 1 of my two week clean eating meal plan that my whole family can follow. I have family friendly dinners (and budget friendly) and yummy natural snacks.  I even added a couple of desserts. Feel free to join in on this two week cleanse!

Breakfast: lemon/ginger tea, oatmeal with almonds
Lunch: salad with poached egg
Dinner: Brown rice veggie stir fry with eggs

Breakfast: lemon/ginger tea, Veggie Omelet
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: Baked potato bar
Dessert: Raw Chocolate Pudding With Cashew Cream

Breakfast: lemon/ginger tea, Breakfast Smoothie
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: Lentil Tacos with Homemade Taco Seasoning

Breakfast: Lemon/ginger tea, Baked Egg in Avocado
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: Zuchinni Spaghetti with homemade tomato basil sauce

Breakfast: Lemon/ginger tea, eggs
Lunch: leftovers

Breakfast: Kale Egg Bake
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner:  Oven baked chicken fajitas

Breakfast: lemon/ginger tea, oatmeal
Lunch: leftovers

If I don't end up with leftovers I will eat a salad (lots of greens, tomatoes, cukes) with an egg and homemade vinegarette

And I plan on only drinking tea and water, I know I am not drinking enough.

Healthy Snacks
Veggies with hummus
Apples and natural peanut butter
Almonds and apples
Hard boiled eggs
Greek yogurt with berries
Banana and nut butter
Nuts and raisins
cottage cheese with fruit
celery and peanut butter
roasted chickpeas
Veggies and clean ranch dressing
Dates and nut butter
Popcorn (not in the microwavable bags with all that added butter)
Carrots and Avocado dip
Pineapple Spears
Sweet Potato fries


It's Time to Start Anew

It's time to start this again. I have been meaning to start up the blog again since I January when I started working out on a regular basis, but for one reason or another I haven't. I have gone to write a post a dozen times and haven't been able to find the words that I really want to say.

I had my baby 9 months ago and since then experienced a lot of things that kept me from getting back on the health track that I want to be on. Now I am ready and hope to post regularly about my workouts and what I am eating.

Lately I have been eating horribly. You guys, I think I am addicted to sugar. I am formulating an eating plan to detox myself from sugar and processed foods and hope to get myself eating healthy again

I have heard a lot of hub bub about this whole30 challenge but haven't educated myself on it enough to start it yet. Basically it is going 30 days without eating dairy, grains, or sugar. You eat only veggies and fruits and lean proteins and natural fats. At the end of the 30 days you slowly integrate grains and dairy, one at a time every few days, and decided what works with your body and what doesn't. And you introduce sugars very rarely. It sounds great. I have had some stomach issues in the last two months and this challenge might really help me figure out what foods don't agree with me, but I am just not ready to take that on yet.

What I am planning on doing is going on a "clean eating" two week detox. This means I will not eat any processed foods. I will eat brown rice and whole wheat and veggies and fruits and lean meats and use natural sugars (maple syrup, honey, agave) and natural fats (olive oil, nuts, avocados).  I have been looking around Pinterest for meal ideas. When I have my two weeks prepared I will post it.

My goal with health and nutrition isn't to lose a certain amount of weight. It is to get fit and toned and to feel good in my own body.  No matter how much Mr. Darcy told Bridget Jones that he loved her wobbly bits, she still had some insecurity about them. And I my friends have a lot of insecurity about my wobbly bits from my third pregnancy. I guess my final goal is to get rid of my baby pooch.. I would love to be flat there!

I have really been motivated by the physical activeness of a lot of my family and friends.  When you are depressed or grieving it can be hard to get out of your little funk. My funk has been to watch lots of shows and get nothing done all day and stay in my jammies. But seeing my family and friends reach their health goals has helped lift the fog a bit.

Lately I have been running again. Well, off and on running because I have also been sick a lot lately.  But I have enjoyed the running I have been able to do. I think out of all the types of workouts I have done through the years running is my favorite. My sister in law convinced me to run a half marathon and I have to tell you, I am not ready. But I will run it the best I can and think of it more as a practice than an actual race. Then after I run this half I am going to look for another one and actually train for it.

I think what is going to help me achieve my fitness and health goals is to plan. If I don't have a plan in place I won't get out of my bed when the alarm goes off. I need to plan my meals and workouts ahead of time.  The other thing that I think will really help me is going to bed early!! I have been going to bed so late! And I love my sleep, so when the alarm goes off I snooze it and snooze it until I have slept as long as I need to.  If I just go to sleep at a good hour than I will sleep enough and feel good when the alarm goes off. Does anyone else have this same problem?

I really want to get into a good daily routine: wake up, workout, get dressed.  On days that I take the time to get dressed and do my hair I feel better about myself. It really makes a difference.

I will post week one of my two week meal plan. I am always up for suggestions if anyone has any!

I will also be posting more regularly, but I can't guarantee how often. I want to keep track of how I am doing and posting on this blogs keeps me accountable. I need to be accountable or I will slip back into my little fog.
