Monday, August 12, 2013

BodyRock Challenge Day 12

BodyRock Challenge Day 12: Bubble Butt Workout

Yet another time challenge workout. I am not a big fan of time challenges because who knows how long it will take me to finish the workout.

Sumo Jump Squats-30 reps

Taping Push Ups-26 reps  I did these on my knees

Lung Forward/Back-15 reps on each leg

V-ups-25 reps

Get ups and High Knees-30 reps

Leg Lifts-25 reps

Mountain Runner-60 reps

Tricep Dip-25 reps   I used two chairs for this and modified by keeping one foot on the ground

Skater Jump Lunge-30 reps

One Arm Push Up-26 reps   I did this modified again

I did this workout in just under 30 minutes.  I don't think I pushed my hardest but I completed the workout.

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru

BodyRock Challenge Day 11

BodyRock Challenge Day 11: 550 Fat Rep Massacre Workout

This was a time challenge. There were 11 exercises in this workout:

Backward Lunge Kick Up -25 reps on each leg

Walk Over Push Up -50 reps

Mountain Climber -50 reps

Sumo Squats Knee Up -50 reps

One Leg Bridge Leg Lift -25 reps on each leg

Side to Side Squat & Leg Lift -50 reps

One Arm Tricep Push Up -25 reps on each arm

Star Crunch -50 reps

Diagonal Touch Down -25 reps on each side

Side Plank Lift -25 reps on each side

One Leg Wall Sit -25 reps on each leg

To be honest, I lost where I wrote down my time for this workout.  I wanna say it was between 25 and 35 minutes. I need to post about my workouts right after I do them I guess.

I modified a few things.  For all the push ups I modified on my knees. I didn't use a weight for the Diagonal Touch Down.  I modified on the Side Plank Lift as well.  Hopefully the next time around I will be able to do the workout without modifying too much.

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru

BodyRock Challenge Day 10

This is the last BodyRock workout of week 2!! Yay! I wasn't in a very good mood for this workout, and I started out a little rough and not working at 100%. But I got my act together and got the workout done.

BodyyRock Challenge Day 10: Brunette Beating Blonde Workout

This was a 20 minute interval training workout.  Set the interval timer to 4 rounds of 50 seconds and 10 seconds. There are 5 exercises and you do each for the entire 4 minutes before moving on the the next.

Flying High Knees-The hardest part about this exercise was keeping my arms out while doing high knees. I put my arms down a few times. I didn't go down on my belly by the end. I modified and went down to my knee.

Side to Side Pike Jumps-Man, at first these seem easy, but as you go they get harder and harder to do.

Reverse Crunch-I always lat on my yoga mat when I am doing floor exercises.

Side Step Up- I used a metal chair for this one

Super Girl Push Up- I modified this exercise the whole time.  I still lifted a leg and arm but I did the push ups on my knees.

Here are my scores:

Since I wasn't that into this workout I am hoping I crush these scores the next time around.

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

BodyRock Challenge Day 9

BodyRock Challenge Day 9: Tight Jeans Booty Workout

This was a 15 minute workout. Set a countdown timer for 15 minutes.  You have that time to as many rounds of the following as you can:

50 Jump Rope Jacks or regular Jumping Jacks --I did jump rope jacks minus the rope
30 Crunches- you do a crunch, roll to your side and do a crunch, go back to center, do a crunch, then roll on the other side and do another crunch. Each crunch counts as a rep.

My total was 350 Jump Rope Jacks and 180 crunches.

Because I took so long to post on this workout, I can't remember how I felt afterwards or if I worked my hardest. I do know that I sweat a lot doing each workout so I know I am working hard!

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru

BodyRock Challenge Day 8

I may be late in getting my "challenge" posts out, but I have not missed the workouts. I have done every challenge thus far and I am feeling sore! I know my body is working hard!

BodyRock Challenge Day 8: Fit Tight Hot Workout

There were 4 exercises, and you did each one in order. Each exercise was 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for a total of 4 minutes, using an interval timer. In each exercise you were going for maximum reps.

Here are the exercises:

1. Dynamic Squat

2. Reversed Push Up-- I used two chairs because I don't have the equipment shown in the tutorial. I also just hung there when I couldn't do anymore push ups.

3. Dive Bomber-- I modified this and did it from my knees.

4. Prisoner Get Up-- Yeah, I didn't end up doing this exercise. Yet again I waited until night to do the workout. I was tired. My brother came by during my workout because we were trading couches, and when he left I lost that motivation to keep going. I have my weak moments.

So I did most of the workout. I did 12 minutes instead of 16. Here are my scores:

I don't know if I have "good" numbers or not.  I hope to improve my score the next time around.

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru