Monday, July 22, 2013

Bumps on the Road

I hate to admit this but I have hit a few bumps in the road on my weight loss journey.  There have been a few up and downs this summer. I worked out hard to prepare for the half marathon, but I also went on vacation where I ate a lot. I mean A LOT. And I ate a lot of sweets. I ate a lot of bread. I gained about 4 pounds. To me that is a big set back because I had been at a plateau for over a month. I am disappointed in myself a little bit, but I am ready to get back to working hard and eating better.

I have set a mini challenge for myself this week. I am going to go a week without eating sweets. I am real scared to take on this challenge because I LOVE sweets. But I know I have been eating way too many. Today will be a day of temptation because I told my son we could make cookies for family night. I hope I will have the will power to resist.

It is hard to tell myself that the number is not important, the measurements are. But I grew up thinking how much I weighed is important, and I am still in that mind set.  I don't know if it helps me to stand on the scale and see the number or if it hinders me.  But I will continue to weigh myself and do measurements and see how it goes.

May 3rd,  2013
Weight 145.8
Chest 35.5"
Waist 28.5"
Hips 39"

July 22nd, 2013
Weight 149.8
Chest 36"
Waist 30"
Hips 40"

Eek. So I have gained a few inches in my waist.  I know it has been the naughty food. It has been the cookies for sure. I can't just eat one! So I guess I have to eat none for now. Time to eat super healthy. I know that if I drink tons of water and lay off the bread and dairy this week I can probably loose a few pounds right off. I think letting you guys know my plan and where I am weight wise will help me stay on track.

I'm really hoping this Bodyrock Challenge that I am starting today will help me lose some weight and tone up a bit. I would love to have some muscle in my arms!

I do want to say that bumps in the road are to be expected. And it is okay. I need to work hard for what I want and this set back was an eye opener.  I can't go around eating cookies all the time and expect to get smaller.  Back to juicing and and eating smaller portions and making delicious, healthy meals.

Well I better get going on my workout. Happy Sweating!

-Kate, your not-too-fit guru


  1. I love that you are sharing this. And I love that you are posting pictures of yourself. That is so brave and it makes me so happy to see real women with real bodies who look like me. I'm just starting my journey to get healthier and it really helps to see people like you setting realistic expectations and taking about the reality of set backs, but not giving up because of them!

    1. It is a little nerve racking to be plastering my half naked body on the net, but it makes it all worth if I am helping just one person.

  2. I'm dong a 10-lb challenge this month, thanks for keeping me motivated to keep going!!

    1. That's awesome! We can keep each other motivated :)

  3. My goal over the next 7 weeks is to run a 10K. Last week the weather was 90 at 8pm at night and I got sick. So I am going to start again this week. Good luck!

    1. What a great goal to have. Summer heat is no fun to run in. I would love to know how your training goes. Are you following a program?

  4. Kate, let me tell you. I have lost 47lbs last year & kept it off for over a year now. It is hard work to get it off & just as hard to keep it off. It's a daily struggle or even minute-to-minute struggle. Have you seen my blog? I bake, A LOT. How do you think I keep it off? I eat one & give the rest to my husbands co-workers. Lol. If you are baking your own cookies, consider making mini cookies. Your son will think they are fun if they are tiny & then you can eat more than one. Trick your mind into thinking you are getting more, when you are eating the equivalent of one cookie. You can do it! Every day is a great day to start fresh! :)

    1. Wow, 47 pounds, that is incredible! That is very inspiring! Especially since you do bake so much. Those are great ideas. A tradition in my husband's family is to make cookies on Sunday. We have started up that tradition in our house. I might just have us take the cookies to other people when we make them.

  5. Oh, you are so brave! I'm not sure I would be so open about myself. You are awesome! I gave up coca cola in April and was doing really well. Then I went on a trip and started drinking it for the caffein. I have to stop again because it is not good for me. You have inspired me! I have one inch left in the cup next to me and then that is it. No more!
    Good luck to you. I will cheer you on!

    1. Thank you! I know breaking bad habits is so hard. I was where you are on Sunday. I had a bag of cookies on Sunday that I just had to eat so they wouldn't be sitting around today.
